Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Impressive or Unimpressive

How do people look at you? How do people rate you? What happens when someone you think things to you better acts differently than you think they should have? Some don’t care what others think about them. But some do care a lot. I should say, I am both of them.

Many should say, why do you do it to impress someone? There are times when impressing will help you better in your workplace or in the party. These are the guys, people envy. Everyone wants to create an impression somewhere or others. Some may not agree but is playing an important role in climbing to some one’s heart.

That’s the reason, maybe finding a loved one is almost very difficult. The people we met on every day, never get impressed with our looks. Maybe if you dressed like a cinderella, they will only notice you but never do they get impressed. On the other ways say, the amount of time you spend with someone and frequency of meeting them plays a real success role in creating an impression.

Things I thought would work out and thought people would understand me, like the ‘be myself way’. But I guess, getting to know things on me, which not as per your expectation is quite a shock feeling.