Monday, August 23, 2010


Do you remember when you last time cried? hmmm... me a couples weeks ago. Women have more permission to cry but men are restricted from revealing their emotions. For some particularly men they think cry as a sign of weakness. Experts say, crying may have a biochemical purpose. It's believed to release stress hormones or toxins from the body. So I wish if you are human being and you're not stone hearted, you are welcome to cries.... I think it's OK for men to cry.

Crying may seem obvious and straightforward: You're happy or sad. And for sure, you are SAD that night! I can 'see' your sadness from your eyes and your frustrated through the conversations but I can't 'feel' your sadness that dives deep inside your heart. Suddenly your tears fall down (from your left eyes.) And your cheeks get wet. I get shocked to see you cried. I shouts to you "hey, wassup?" and i pushed your arm say "dun liked that lar.." I really dun know what to say that moment. And your tears kept falling.

Then I patting your back, try to make you stop crying. "when I'm crying, you patting my back and is my turn now to do so..hehe," I try to say something that can make him laugh maybe only for a second or do something that make him feel better. But things dosen't worked out.

This is my first time I saw him cried! The feeling is not that good at all. I means seeing your freinds cried and we can't do anything and just sit beside them, are bad feeling. Suddenly my heart played about this song.
The song really can tell his feeling that night......

你永远不懂我伤悲 (You will never understand my sadness)
像白天不懂夜的黑 (Just like the day will not understand the darkness of the night)
像永恒燃烧的太阳 (Like the eternal burning sun)
不懂那月亮的盈缺 (Will not understand the changes of the moon)

你永远不懂我伤悲 (You will never understand my sadness)
像白天不懂夜的黑 (Just like the day will not understand the darkness of the night)
不懂那星星为何会坠跌 (Don’t understand why the stars fell)

I am so sympathy about your feeling. Forgive me not understand you!