Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm still alive - Part 1

what's happen on me?
this fucker diseases make me worried about 3 weeks (ermm, maybe not that long)
it fell itchy (liked hell), pain when walk and sit ,
sometimes an unpleseant fishy smell, yuck!
im worried what is happening on me?
i don't want to see doctor, im afarid that he told me that this it serious!
i don't want! Yes, im ostrich, you can say so.
i went to pharmacy to buy some medicine. Hope the stuffs will help. shit.
NOT at all!!

i called one of my girlfriend (not girl aunty lioa)
i told her my situation from A to Z.
she told me not to worried so a commom diseases for every woman .but for safety better visit doctor as soon as possible before it spread to others parts.

im worried. im cried.
she sense it. she knew it.
your accompany make me less worried. Thanks Angie!
opss not forget Lee Yen too!
her dirty talks release all my unnecessary and stupid worried.
the clinic full of laughter...our laughter!
Thanks guys!!

I left the clinic with a pack of medicine and of couse i had nothing! YES! YESS! YESSSS!