Tuesday, October 13, 2009


What happen today?
Within an hour, they are 3 people telling me 3 different things.

Koko : hai Yuki, you look cute today.
Yuki : hai, haha..no cute lar..haha! (cute? Did u mean im tin zhen, shit!)

15 mins later

Stevie : I think u eat liao ‘cheong shen pat lou dan’. Why u never get old geh?
Yuki : hahahh! You want mo?

20mins later

Alice : u always look ‘kam sau’ since I meet you. Never grow fatter. So envy!
Yuki : hahah! Yelor. I eat not much mah…hahah. (answer her while im walk back to my sit)

Syok syok syok

Thanks my parents who born me in the type of ‘Kiew Siu Leng Loong’. (((vomit))

MY idol


Sammi talent was recognized as early as she was 16, when she was 3rd place at the 17th New Talent Singing Contest. . At that time, Sammi juggled between school and her singing career.

4th album 鄭秀文的快樂迷宮" (Sammi's Happy Maze)
Hit song - "Chotto 等等" (Chotto Matte).

When her 1st or 2nd (not quite sure) visit in M’sia at 1993. I have her autograph… believe me is true. TRUE lar!
What??? U want to buy from me? No way…..!!!
Har!! you willing pay for higher price???
Susah to get now, wor!
Aaa….how much you can give ar????

This one yeu mo?

That time where got digital camera. We are using manual one mah. Neh masuk film de ler!
my friend lar, pandai pandai off itu flash. Celaka. She so bad luck that day, I tiu her kuat KUAT.
She no cried lar, but I almost. Eat cannot, walk cannot, study cannot…Everything cannot.
But today i look at the photo, i feel nothing wor! Hmmm.. big girl liao! lolz.
And I want to say sorry to my frien that kena tiu..

''Sorry Ah….....'' who is she ar????

Sammi lost the baby fat and went through a complete 180 degree transformation. She dyed her hair to orange and purposely 'westernize' her Chinese pronunciation. At that time, hair dying was only for gangsters and it was a 'taboo' for artists to look rebellious. The new image worked perfectly with the new single, which is a fast song, and it helped Sammi boost her singing career to the next level.

My 1st concert.
My 1st Sammi’s concert.
My 1st expensive concert ticket. RM200.00 (hou kwai ga)

My 1st most front seat. The 3rd or 4th row from the stage. A bit disappointed about the stage and especially her costumes. U know de la, M’sia mah. Tis cannot wear, that cannot wear! Better, you all wear tudung and long sleeve. (5 mei gua!!!) About the stage, I only can say ’Simple but not nice’. No budget, konon.

Sammi can ‘lam lam’ this image for your next concert. Muahahahahha!

FYI- Sammi year end world tour concert 24-29 Dec 2009